Neueintrag bestätigen und abschließen |
$datei = "./datenbank/mailtext2.txt";
if ($fp = fopen($datei, "r")) {
$content = fread($fp, filesize($datei));
$content = stripslashes($content);
$mail_part = explode("[END]", $content);
$user = strip_tags($_REQUEST['user']);
$ident = strip_tags($_REQUEST['ident']);
$e = strip_tags($_REQUEST['e']);
$send = strip_tags($_REQUEST['send']);
if ($send != 1 && $send != 2) {
$sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM neu_validate WHERE userID = '$user'";
$result = $conn->query($sqlQuery);
$numberOfRows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if ($numberOfRows > 0) {
$i = 0;
while ($i < $numberOfRows) {
$thisId = mysqli_result($result, $i, "id");
$thisTitel = mysqli_result($result, $i, "titel");
$thisBeschreibung = mysqli_result($result, $i, "beschreibung");
$thisKeywords = mysqli_result($result, $i, "keywords");
$thisEmail = mysqli_result($result, $i, "email");
$thisKategorie = mysqli_result($result, $i, "katagorie");
$thisUser_date_time = mysqli_result($result, $i, "user_date_time");
$thisUserID = mysqli_result($result, $i, "userID");
$thisUrl = mysqli_result($result, $i, "url");
Nachfolgend sehen Sie wie Ihr Eintrag bei uns aussehen wird.
echo "
} else {
echo $txt['0046'];
} elseif ($send == 2 && $send != 1) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM neu_validate WHERE id = '$e' AND userID = '$ident' ";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
echo $txt2['0003'] . "
} else {
$sqlQuery1 = "SELECT * FROM neu_validate WHERE userID = '$ident' AND id = '$e'";
$result1 = $conn->query($sqlQuery1);
$numberOfRows1 = mysqli_num_rows($result1);
if ($numberOfRows1 > 0) {
$i = 0;
while ($i < $numberOfRows1) {
$thisId1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "id");
$thisTitel1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "titel");
$thisBeschreibung1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "beschreibung");
$thisKeywords1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "keywords");
$thisBenutzermail1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "email");
$thisKategorie1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "katagorie");
$thisUser_date_time1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "user_date_time");
$thisUserID1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "userID");
$thisUrl1 = mysqli_result($result1, $i, "url");
if ($demomode != 1) {
$eintmenge = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(*) from eintraege WHERE url = '" . $thisUrl1 . "'");
$eintin = mysqli_result($eintmenge, 0, 0);
if ($eintin != 0) {
$check2 = "1";
echo $txt['0031'];
$sql = "DELETE FROM neu_validate WHERE id = '$thisId1' AND userID = '$thisUserID1' ";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$in_val = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(*) from validate WHERE url = '" . $thisUrl1 . "'");
$eintin_val = mysqli_result($in_val, 0, 0);
if ($eintin_val != 0) {
$check1 = "1";
echo $txt['0033'];
$sql = "DELETE FROM neu_validate WHERE id = '$thisId1' AND userID = '$thisUserID1' ";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($check1 != 1 && $check2 != 1 && $numberOfRows1 > 0) {
if ($letter_an == 1) {
$eintmenge = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(*) from newsletter WHERE newsmail = '$thisBenutzermail1'")
or die('query error');
$eintgesamt = 0;
$eintgesamt = mysqli_result($eintmenge, 0, 0);
if ($eintgesamt == 0) {
$sqlQueryx = "INSERT INTO newsletter (id , newsmail , user_date_time )
VALUES ('' , '$thisBenutzermail1' , '$thisUser_date_time1' )";
$resultx = $conn->query($sqlQueryx);
if ($auto_freischalt == "nein") {
echo $txt['0047'];
$sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO validate (id , titel , beschreibung , keywords , email , katagorie , user_date_time , url ) VALUES ('' , '$thisTitel1' , '$thisBeschreibung1' , '$thisKeywords1' , '$thisEmail1' , '$thisKategorie1' , '$thisUser_date_time1' , '$thisUrl1' )";
$result = $conn->query($sqlQuery);
$sql = "DELETE FROM neu_validate WHERE id = '$thisId1' AND userID = '$thisUserID1' ";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
} else {
echo $txt['0048'];
$freischaltbetreff = $mail_part[0];
$freischalttexttext = $mail_part[1];
$hostname = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$path = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$url_newsmail = urlencode($thisBenutzermail1);
$thislink = 'http://' . $hostname . ($path == '/' ? '' : $path) . '/index.php?go=newsletter&newsmail=' . $url_newsmail;
$thislink = trim($thislink);
$thislink = str_replace(" ", "%20", $thislink);
//echo $thislink;
$freischalttexttext = str_replace("{URL}", $thisUrl1, $freischalttexttext);
$freischalttexttext = str_replace("{TITEL}", $thisTitel1, $freischalttexttext);
$freischalttexttext = str_replace("{BESCHREIBUNG}", $thisBeschreibung1, $freischalttexttext);
$freischalttexttext = str_replace("{EMAIL}", $thisBenutzermail1, $freischalttexttext);
$freischalttexttext = str_replace("{NEWSLETTERLINK}", $thislink, $freischalttexttext);
@mail("$thisBenutzermail1", "$freischaltbetreff", "$freischalttexttext\n\n", "From: $systemmail");
$sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO eintraege (id , titel , beschreibung , url , keywords , kategorie , benutzermail , ip_date_time , top ) VALUES ('' , '$thisTitel1' , '$thisBeschreibung1' , '$thisUrl1' , '$thisKeywords1' , '$thisKategorie1' , '$thisBenutzermail1' , '$thisIp_date_time1', '')";
$result = $conn->query($sqlQuery);
$sql = "DELETE FROM neu_validate WHERE id = '$thisId1' AND userID = '$thisUserID1' ";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
|  |